It’s one thing to slip in the door unnoticed. It’s quite another to start opening and closing boxes when you’re supposed to be cloaked in obscurity.
Are you crazy? The room is heavily guarded.
You should go outside, take off the cloak and then come back; you’re already authorized to inspect the boxes.
If you do that, the guards will wonder if you acquired the password legitimately.
Friendly reminder: the cloak may conceal you from view, but it can’t make ALL your actions undetectable.
There are a lot of chests, boxes and bags here, so click on the one you’re interested in opening or closing.
The boxes in this room are much too large and heavy to carry away, but you can open them here and see what’s inside.
Don’t even think about it. The guards would be on you in a minute.
The door to the north is attended by many guards.
The small box is surprisingly heavy for its size.
The box on the left is filled with silver dinars.
The small box is filled with gold riyals.
You can’t reach high enough to see if there’s anything in the box.
You can’t open this box while the smaller box is sitting on top of it.
The lower box is filled with bolts of rich silk fabric.
Open any chest to look inside.
There are lots of different chests and boxes. Your best bet is to click on the one you’re interested in.
Oh, come on. There’s enough stuff in here without your adding to it.